Autobild coverage on the Ultimate Connect

More horse power from your smartphone
“What used to only exist in the 80s TV series “Knight Rider” is now a reality for German drivers. In the role of Michael Knight, David Hasselhoff often pushed the turbo-boost button when he needed more speed. Now, the owner of a car equipped with the right chip tuning can do the very same thing with his or her smartphone. You need only activate your Bluetooth function, connect to the “RaceChip Ultimate Connect” performance module, and select a driving mode.” (Taken from
We are always pleased to receive this type of feedback, which is a real validation of our work effort. The fact that an automotive publication such as Autobild Online, one of the most important of its kind in Germany, has given such a positive review of our latest product innovation - the Ultimate with a Smartphone Connect Feature - is just reward for our many months of development work. The same goes for the feedback we get from the scores of happy customers who enjoy our product.
With the RaceChip Ultimate Connect, we have proved once more that we are innovation leaders in the field of chip tuning. The operating concept of the Ultimate Connect has revolutionised user experience of electronic performance enhancement technology. The chip communicates, via Bluetooth, with the RaceChip Smartphone App, and the driver can choose between three driving modes that have been specially defined for each engine. The three modes are: Efficiency, Sport and Race. For maximum performance, the Race mode gives up to 30% more power. The Efficiency Mode is perfect for relaxed cruising and helps you to save on fuel. Sport Mode offers the perfect balance between the other two. The Ultimate Connect brings driving pleasure from a new dimension and makes the “RaceChip Effect” an even more vital experience.
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