RaceChip Ultimate – A Test Winner Once Again

The result

In general, the editorial staff of “Asphalthelden” were genuinely surprised by both the ease of installation and the achievable performance gain the technology provides, although there are, of course, significant differences between manufacturers.
The central criteria were horsepower and torque performance increases. This combination defines the obtainable increase in driving pleasure that tuning can bring. And of all the chip tuning boxes that were assessed, it was RaceChip that convinced Sahin the most. With a result of 173hp, the RaceChip box was only 1hp behind the highest boost, but it clearly swept away all other competition with an incredible torque of 406Nm. This combination of significant power and torque increase gives the A3 a totally different feel, right from the start.
What’s more, RaceChip offers a free engine warranty* with the purchase of the Ultimate. With this warranty, the box also received a higher score in terms of value for money. As a result, RaceChip stood as the clear winner of this race and was promptly named “Best in Test 2014”.The complete review (in German) is available as a PDF.
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